Outdoor Areas at Restaurants and Fitness Centres to Reopen from Next Week

Bratislava, April 21 (TASR) – The Government approved on Wednesday that from next week, outdoor seating areas at restaurants as well as fitness centres can reopen, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) said at a press conference on the same day, in the presence of all coalition partners, calling upon people to continue to observe rules.
The conditions of their operation are to be detailed by a decree of the Public Health Office.
“It’s an important milestone we’ve reached,” said Heger, noting, however, that caution should be exercised as the novel coronavirus spreads mainly after the face mask or respirator has been taken down which applies to both restaurants and fitness centres. He pointed out that the struggle with the pandemic hasn’t been won yet. “The best way to fight the pandemic is to fight together,” he added.
We Are Family chairman Boris Kollar believes that Slovakia can see the “end of the tunnel” but appeals for continued caution and prudence. “Early, ill-considered easing [of measures] could backfire, as shown by the example of Germany,” he said, praising the cohesion of the coalition in setting the new conditions.
“These measures are also a test for our coalition, how we’re able to agree,” added Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) leader Richard Sulik.
Head of the For the People party Veronika Remisova emphasised that the Government had heard the opinion of experts. “It was they who asked us that the easing be prudent so that it would not lead to the forced re-introduction of restrictions,” she said.