Parliament Inquorate Again, Afternoon Vote on Tuesday Didn't Take Place

Bratislava, October 29 (TASR) - Parliament was once again inquorate during an attempt to hold a vote on Tuesday afternoon.
Fewer than the required 76 lawmakers were present in the House during three attempts, and hence the debate on bills has continued without any voting. The next vote is set to be held on Wednesday (October 30) at 11 a.m.
Parliament also lacked a quorum earlier in the day at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Among the items slated to be voted on were opposition-initiated no-confidence motions in Culture Minister Martina Simkovicova (an SNS nominee) and Justice Minister Boris Susko (Smer-SD).
Before the vote, Independents Rudolf Huliak, Pavol Luptak and Ivan Sevcik announced that they wouldn't participate on Tuesday and Wednesday (October 30) unless the governing parties invite them to a roundtable and sign the memorandum on cooperation.
In connection with the happenings in Parliament on Tuesday, the opposition claimed that the coalition is disintegrating and is unable to govern due to lacking a majority. The coalition has blamed the opposition's boycott of the vote for the gridlock, averring that it lacks a majority only due to a short-term stay in hospital for MP Jan Blchac (Voice-SD).