Passengers from Slovakia to Poland Must Show Negative Test Certificate

Bratislava, February 27 (TASR) – Effective as of Saturday, people travelling from Slovakia to Poland are obliged to show a negative test certificate not older than 48 hours either in Polish, or in English, Police Corps Presidium spokesman Michal Slivka told TASR on the same day, adding that the measure applies to those crossing the Polish border by means of transport, as well as pedestrians.
According to Slivka, the mandatory quarantine doesn’t apply to persons residing in Poland and having a negative test.
Exempted from the mandatory quarantine and duty to show a negative test certificate are holders of a certificate proving they have been inoculated against COVID-19 by a vaccine authorised by the European Union. The exception also applies to cross-border commuters having their job or business in Poland, students studying in Poland and their teachers, researchers engaged in research in Poland, Polish and NATO soldiers, police officers, members of border patrols, customs officers, fire-fighters and road inspectors in service, said Slivka.
The exemption also applies to diplomats and their families, representatives of international organisations, international train and aircraft crews, sailors and fishermen.