Pellegrini: All People with Academic Degrees to Pay for Kollar's Dishonesty

Bratislava, June 29 (TASR) – If the whole governing coalition adopts as its political stance the plan to check for plagiarism the academic theses of all people with university degrees, lawmakers are prepared to sign a motion to convene an extraordinary session and attempt to oust Boris Kollar (We Are Family) from the post of the House Chair, House vice-chair Peter Pellegrini stated on Monday.
Pellegrini spoke in response to a press conference held by the OLaNO party earlier in the day. OLaNO views the case of Kollar’s diploma thesis as the failure of the advisor, student, opponent as well as the whole plagiarism checker system. The party demands plagiarism checks for all bachelor, master and doctoral theses in academia, dated from a period to be determined by education minister Branislav Grohling (SaS) and Justice Minister Maria Kolikova (For the People).
“[Prime Minister] Igor Matovic and the OLaNO party today confirmed that in order to cling to power they’re capable of betraying all their promises of honesty in politics. Instead of unequivocally calling on the second most senior constitutional official to assume responsibility for his “theft”, they’re going to persecute the whole nation based on the outrageous and unsubstantiated claim that half of the academic degrees in Slovakia are fraudulent,” stated Pellegrini.