Pellegrini and Van der Bellen Praise Good Neighbourly Relations

Vienna, September 11 (TASR) - Slovak President Peter Pellegrini and his Austrian counterpart Alexander Van der Bellen on Wednesday praised good neighbourly relations between Slovakia and Austria, noting that they intend to continue this kind of cooperation.
The presidents discussed the European Union, the possible composition of the next European Commission, Russia's invasion of Ukraine and checks on the Slovak-Austrian border.
The talks will continue on Wednesday, with the EU integration of the Western Balkans and the situation in the Middle East still left on the agenda.
"Economically, Austria is among Slovakia's most important partners. I assured [Van der Bellen] that Slovakia will remain a good place for Austrian investments and Austrian business," said Pellegrini.
The Austrian president also praised good economic relations, adding that Austria is the second-largest investor in Slovakia. He also mentioned that 40,000 Slovaks have moved to Austria, especially to its eastern region, and that every day 340,000 people commute from Slovakia to Austria to work.
Pellegrini mentioned that Slovakia and Austria have problems with the lack of a qualified workforce, and he expressed thanks for Austrian support several years ago in launching the dual education system. He also mentioned shortcomings in infrastructure and interconnections between the two countries. He praised the fact that the reconstruction of the Devinska Nova Ves-Marchegg railway line in Slovakia is continuing and that it should speed up the connection between Bratislava and Vienna.
Furthermore, the Slovak president announced an agreement between the two countries. "I'm very pleased that we are close to concluding an international agreement between Austria and Slovakia - and that is an agreement on joint cooperation in the provision of emergency medical services on the border area between Slovakia and the Republic of Austria." He added that the treaty will be submitted to Parliament for debate.
According to Pellegrini, he and his Austrian counterpart share the same attitude towards EU enlargement. "Slovakia has long been one of the supporters of EU enlargement to include the Western Balkan countries," he said. Van der Bellen stated that he's of the opinion that the EU "doesn't take the situation in the Western Balkans seriously", and he stressed the need for these countries to join the Union.