Pellegrini Calls on Prime Minister to Scrap State of Emergency

Bratislava, June 1 (TASR) – Parliamentary Vice-chair Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) has called on Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) to lift the state of emergency as well as the ban on gathering, TASR learnt on Monday.
According to the former premier, there is no reason to further restrict the rights of people and also endanger the provision of health care. The ban on gathering appears to Pellegrini as an attempt to prevent dissenting protests against the prime minister. Pellegrini admits that he will turn to the Constitutional Court in this matter.
Pellegrini further said that the prime minister is speculating on prolonging the state of emergency instead of a clear plan. He pointed out that the so-called moving median, that is the indicator that the Government has set for the release of measures, has been at zero for a long time. “Until when and according to what indicator does Prime Minister Matovic still want to maintain the economic restrictions and the state of emergency itself?” he asked at a press conference on Monday. “Today, it’s quite clear that the measures are starting to hamper further economic recovery,” he stated, adding that Slovakia is at risk of an unemployment pandemic and economic poverty.
Unless the premier accepts this call, Pellegrini believes that the state of emergency will end after 90 days. If the prime minister wanted to extend it again, Pellegrini would consider turning to President Zuzana Caputova, who he said could influence Matovic so that he would not continue this “soon to be unconstitutional action”. If this does not work, there is, according to him, space for another motion to the Constitutional Court. He pointed out that in the beginning the state of emergency was justified.
The Smer-SD vice-chair also drew attention to the fact that decisions are taken by non-elected bodies that have no basis in law or the Constitution. “The Constitution doesn’t know consiliums and permanent or I don’t know what crisis management teams. We have no idea who and in what way and on the basis of what criteria their members were appointed,” said Pellegrini, adding that it is the Government that always makes decisions and it should assume responsibility.