Pellegrini Setting Up New Party to Be Called Voice-Social Democracy

Bratislava, June 29 (TASR) – Former prime minister Peter Pellegrini, who left Smer-SD last week, is setting up a new party to be called Voice-Social Democracy, TASR learnt from an announcement on the Interior Ministry’s website on Monday.
The party’s preparatory committee has notified the Interior Ministry that it’s begun collecting the signatures necessary to register the party officially.
According to Pellegrini, speaking later at a press conference, the party should be the “voice of social democracy”, which should be returned to the people and regain the potential to become part of a government.
“The party that we’re now presenting needs to combine experience, expertise and professionalism,” stated Pellegrini. He added that a dose of young energy is also needed, and he presented 15 “young faces” from “throughout Slovakia joining our ranks”.
At least 10,000 signatures are required to register a new party.