Pellegrini's Final Address: We Need to Defeat COVID-19 with Minimal Losses

Bratislava, March 19 (TASR) – Slovakia faces the most critical situation in its modern history and we must win the fight against the treacherous infection with minimal losses while also curing wounds inflicted on our spirit and health as well as addressing adverse economic impacts, outgoing Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini (Smer-SD) declared in his final and special address to the nation broadcast by RTVS on Thursday.
Pellegrini pointed out that his Government has kickstarted resolute measures to slow down the spread of the new coronavirus. “Some of them might be inconvenient and demand our practicing of self-denial. However, let’s bear in mind, please, that only by exercising self-discipline and observing these measures can we defeat the disease,” he said.
The Government drafted preliminary measures also to help the beleaguered economy and people, who might find themselves, through no fault of their own, jobless. “It’ll be particularly up to the new government to keep not only businesses under duress in mind but also all employees who need to support their families,” he stated and voiced hope that Slovakia won’t succumb to despair in this tough struggle.
“In dire straits, the Slovak nation was always saved by its solidarity, unity and the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the common good. Today, we need the same kind of determination and the same sense of companionship,” claimed the Prime Minister. He wished many successes to the successor government and the people of Slovakia.