Penal Code Amendment Returns Existing Statute of Limitation for Rape

Penal Code Amendment Returns Existing Statute of Limitation for Rape
An electronic board showing the result of the vote on the amendment to the Penal Code during the 9th parliamentary session on February 28, 2024 (photo TASR)

        Bratislava, February 28 (TASR) - The existing statutes of limitations of 20 years should be maintained for violent crimes such as rape, sexual abuse and murder, according to an additional amendment to the Penal Code approved by Parliament via a fast-tracked procedure on Wednesday.
        The new legislation is due to come into force on March 15, when the 'big amendment' to the Penal Code passed on February 8 is scheduled to come into force as well. All 136 MPs present supported the amendment.
        "Aware of the social order, the aim of the submitted draft law is that for crimes against life and health, crimes against freedom and human dignity, crimes against family and youth and crimes against other rights and freedoms, the existing legislation on the termination of criminality due to the statutes of limitations should remain," stated the Justice Ministry, which submitted the amendment.