Police Again Press Charges against MP Martin Borgula

Police Again Press Charges against MP Martin Borgula
MP Martin Borgula (stock photo by TASR)

Bratislava, July 20 (TASR) - The police have again pressed charges against MP Martin Borgula, TASR learn from his post on a social network on Thursday.
       Police Corps president Stefan Hamran announced at a news conference earlier on Thursday that the police were pressing charges against an MP, not providing any more details.
       "I was accused again of the act as of early summer 2018, in which I was damaged, later accused. The case has been in the media several times. To date, the police have found no new evidence, so I don't understand this fuss," said Borgula.
       The MP pointed out that the case was time-barred and the police didn't find any evidence within a sufficient time. He also noted that the police are carrying out a campaign and trying to influence the election.
       At the beginning of this year, Prosecutor-General Maros Zilinka annulled an investigator's decision to press charges of bribery against Borgula as well as the Special Prosecutor's decision to reject the complaint of the accused against the indictment. Zilinka cited the failure to meet the conditions for pressing charges as the reason for his decision.
       Both then and now Borgula maintains that the accusation was a political decision to intimidate him before the vote on releasing MP Robert Fico (Smer-SD) for custody. Borgula defended himself by saying that he was a victim in the case and faced blackmail.