Police: Woman Disregards Quarantine, Facing Up to Two Years in Jail

Bratislava, April 11 (TASR) – A 38-year-old woman from Bratislava faces charges of dereliction of duty during a crisis by travelling back and forth between Austria and Slovakia despite the obligation to go into quarantine, the police reported on their social network page on Saturday.
If found guilty, the woman might face up to two years in jail.
The woman was checked at the Bratislava-Berg border crossing earlier this week, and upon entering Slovakia was escorted to mandatory state quarantine at a facility in Poprad (Presov region). “However, she didn’t even register herself at the quarantine facility; she just up and left for Bratislava and, subsequently, made her way back to Austria by train. Yesterday (April 10), she returned from Austria to Slovakia again,” wrote the police. This time, the woman was escorted from the border crossing straight to a police station in Bratislava.
“I’m saddened that we also have such irresponsible people who violate the law. On the other hand, I’m pleased that the police have addressed this and detained the woman,” said Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) at a press briefing on Saturday.
Krajci called on the public to respect restrictive measures and to show responsibility, as Slovaks want to live in a safe country.