For the People Joins Non-Aggression Pact of PS-Together and KDH

Bratislava, November 11 (TASR) – The extra-parliamentary For the People party has joined the non-aggression pact signed by the non-parliamentary Christian Democrats (KDH) and the Progressive Slovakia (PS)-Together coalition in the summer, TASR learnt on Monday, with For the People leader Andrej Kiska stating that a clause has been added to the pact excluding any post-election cooperation with Smer-SD, the Slovak National Party (SNS) or extremists.
PS-Together leader Michal Truban said that scepticism can be felt in society, and perhaps even hopelessness because the opposition isn’t able to communicate and seems to be arguing. Therefore, by this agreement the parties concerned want to show that they can communicate with each other. Truban believes that this cooperation will work.
Truban added that the parties want to meet Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) chairman Richard Sulik away from the cameras. “We’ll speak about how we see our future steps,” he said. SaS has already announced that it’s interested in joining the pact.
For the People chairman Andrej Kiska is convinced that there will be a change in Slovakia and that the country will be returned to its citizens. “But voters need to see signals; signals that parties are ready to form a strong and reliable government,” he said, adding that the parties to the agreement will be able to form such a government.
KDH chairman Alojz Hlina evaluates the agreement as a good thing. According to him, it’s a seed at the core of change.
Kiska had previously announced that, in regards to joining the non-aggression pact, he had proposed rejecting cooperation with Smer-SD, SNS, Marian Kotleba’s LSNS and Stefan Harabin.
The non-aggression pact contains two specific commitments. The parties agreed not to attack each other in the election campaign and expressed their desire to seek overlaps with a view to the programme priorities of the future government.