PM: I'm Assuming Command in Fight Against Coronavirus into My Own Hands

PM: I'm Assuming Command in Fight Against Coronavirus into My Own Hands

Bratislava, September 26 (TASR) – Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) in an emotional Facebook post on Saturday stated that the situation with coronavirus in Slovakia is “extremely serious” and he’s assuming the command in the fight against coronavirus into his own hands.

Slamming “conspiracy cranks”, Matovic said that his goal is to win the fight with as least effect on “innocent people’s health and lives” as possible.

“Effects of any protective measures won’t be seen before several weeks and it will require a great deal of our common effort to change the direction of such a steep curve,” wrote Matovic.

The prime minister made the statement after the health authorities announced that there were 552 positive coronavirus tests on Friday – the new daily record in Slovakia.