Premier: Government Never Seriously Considered Compulsory Vaccination

Premier: Government Never Seriously Considered Compulsory Vaccination

Bratislava, November 14 (TASR) – The Government has never seriously considered preparing mandatory vaccination against novel coronavirus, Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) emphasised on a social network, adding that it’s important to explain the benefits of vaccination to people honestly.

The premier pointed out that in connection with novel coronavirus, many people believe in fake news, despite the fact that he and Health Minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) several times publicly communicated this topic.

“Only using honest arguments will we achieve understanding that the decision on vaccination is not only a decision of a young single person, but also about protecting the health and life of his or her mother, father, grandparents or acquaintance that have cancer, obesity, diabetes or immune system disorders,” he said.

Matovic assumes that many will choose not to be vaccinated. He added that it is a free choice of the people. However, he will consider it to be evidence that they failed to convince these individuals about the importance of vaccination.