Poll: Study of Foreign Languages and Financial Literacy Tops Most Important List

Bratislava, September 4 (TASR) – Almost half of Slovaks concur that top priority subjects that should be taught in schools in the future are foreign languages and financial literacy, it follows from a survey conducted by the Go4insight agency.
The study of foreign languages was deemed as the most important among 12 listed subjects by 20 percent of respondents aged 15-79 and selected among the top three subjects by 47 percent of respondents.
The second most weighty subject was that of financial literacy, seen as being in the top three by 45 percent of the people.
Taking up the third place was the category of IT skills, programming, the understanding of media and social networks as well as the capability of critical thinking – the problem solving and interpretation of facts. About a third of the population would welcome it if these skills were taught and honed in schools.
The survey was conducted on a sample of 1,000 respondents aged 15-79 in late July-early August.