Premier Fico Out of Life-threatening Danger, But His Condition Still Serious

Banska Bystrica, May 19 (TASR) - Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is currently out of danger to his life but his condition remains serious, deputy director of the Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica Milan Urbani and Vice-Premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) stated on Sunday.
"Based on the doctors' morning consultation, we can state that the patient is currently out of life-threatening condition. His condition remains very serious and he needs a long period of time and rest to recover. We firmly believe that everything will go in a good direction," said the deputy director.
The vice-premier added that the transfer of the prime minister to another hospital isn't planned or possible in the near future. Considering the stable health condition of the premier with a positive prognosis, he announced that the hospital will update the situation in regular statements in the days to come.
"We all believe that his physical constitution is strong enough that we can believe in his early recovery every day, although we'll certainly count it in weeks at least," added Kalinak, noting that the road to recovery will be difficult and painful, he said.