Premier Heger Announces Entry into Minority Government

Bratislava, September 5 (TASR) – Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) announced that his Government will be a minority one due to the resignation of Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) ministers, TASR learnt on Monday.
The premier plans to first inform President Zuzana Caputova about the names of the successors of the outgoing ministers. The public could get to know them next week. “I prefer to fill the [vacant] ministries with experts,” said Heger, adding that there is an agreement on this in the coalition.
The highest priority for approval in Parliament will be laws related to the energy crisis. “I assume that, from this point of view, the support in Parliament will also be a majority, because it will be aid for the people,” noted the premier.
Furthermore, according to Heger, laws related to the recovery plan will also be important. He expects that the draft they will present in the autumn will also be supported by SaS. In the case of the support for the laws from the Government Manifesto, it will involve specific political negotiations.
When approving laws in Parliament, he and the minority government will try to win the votes of members of the democratic parties. He ruled out negotiations on support with MPs for the far-right LSNS party. “We have several things that we need to approve in the near future. The biggest priority is to help people,” said the prime minister, assuming that, as during the pandemic, the entire parliament will support solutions to help people.