Premier Heger Can Imagine Complete Cut-off of Slovakia from Russian Energy

Paris/Bratislava, March 10 (TASR-correspondent) – I can imagine a complete cut-off of Slovakia from energy supplies from Russia, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) said on Thursday after arriving at the summit of EU leaders in Versailles, France.
“Energy prices are already extremely high and they are high precisely because of what [Russian President] Vladimir Putin is doing. That is why we must stop him because war has the highest price,” said the Slovak premier when asked if the move would not lead to rising energy prices.
Heger pointed out that the Slovak delegation is going to the summit in Versailles with specific proposals for the European perspective of Ukraine, for example, to set up a European fund for the post-war restoration of Ukraine as well as to support its integration process, including the necessary legislative reforms.
In this context, the Slovak Government will also propose to elaborate an action plan for Ukraine’s accession to the EU, as part of which our eastern neighbour should obtain the status of a candidate country. The proposed plan aims to ensure that the legislation of Ukraine and its institutions are ready to join the EU within five years.
According to Heger, Ukraine should be granted access to the EU Council at all levels but without the right to vote – at the level of ministers, COREPER committee and in expert working groups. In addition, Kiev should have access to all European agencies and programmes, and the Ukrainian president should be regularly invited to European Council meetings as a guest, according to the Slovak Government’s plan.