Premier Heger: I Consider It Important to Solve Roma Issue

Fricovce, January 21 (TASR) – I consider it to be important to solve the Roma issue, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) said on Friday, adding that a large investment debt has arisen in this area.
The premier’s working trip to eastern Slovakia focused on the development of marginalised Roma groups.
Heger highlighted the village of Fricovce (Presov region), which participated in several calls. It was also successful in applying for a subsidy from EU funds for the construction of water piping. It is to provide water supply for approximately 240 Roma and about 700 other inhabitants. He noted that currently about 27 percent of people from marginalised Roma communities live in homes without running water. “Our goal is to reduce it to seven percent by 2030,” he said, adding that subsequently they want to eliminate the problem altogether.
The prime minister went on to say that further calls will be gradually announced, both within the current and future programming period, but also as part of the recovery plan. “We have enormous money, whether from the European Union, which hasn’t yet been used up, but we also have money ready for building the infrastructure through which we want to invest in education,” he said.
Government Proxy for Roma Communities Jan Hero pointed out that eight calls are currently open in a total amount exceeding €50 million in which municipalities can apply for funds to support the completion of public utilities infrastructure or for early childhood education programmes for children from Roma communities up to three years of age.