Premier: I'll Strive to Keep Coalition of Four Parties until Last Moment

Bratislava, August 26 (TASR) – Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) stated that coalition talks on solving the government crisis have been important, he wants to wait until August 31, when the ultimatum of the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party expires.
The premier repeated to the journalists that he’ll strive to preserve the coalition of four until the last moment, adding that they are also preparing for the scenario if SaS leaves the Government.
The prime minister said Friday’s meeting was primarily about the energy crisis. “As partners, we’re very well aware that what unites us in the times we’re entering, is responsibility,” he noted.
Meanwhile, Environment Minister Jan Budaj (OLaNO) stated that he can’t imagine that SaS would be in the opposition to the “company of democrats” and would be in the opposition. He criticised the fact that SaS leader and Economy Minister Richard Sulik is leaving the ministry when he himself said that a snowball in the form of an energy crisis is falling on it.