President Caputova Grants Four Conditional Pardons

Bratislava, December 22 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova granted four conditional pardons on Friday, TASR was told by president's spokesman Martin Strizinec.
The head of state forgave the remainder of sentences that would have been served by three men convicted of possession and cultivation of marijuana for personal consumption. She did the same for a mother of three children who was convicted of a tax-related crime.
"The pardoned men didn't sell marijuana. They kept and grew it on a larger scale, partly for the purpose of alleviating health problems. They hadn't been punished by a court in the past, and they also have positive evaluations from prisons," said the spokesperson, adding that they have served part of the sentences imposed on them.
The woman was sentenced for the crime of tax evasion committed in Germany ten years ago. When assessing the request for a pardon, the president took into account that the woman participated marginally in the criminal activity by providing assistance and was not the initiator.