President Caputova: I'm Not against Referendum

(TA3, ‘V politike’, June 26)
I’m not against a referendum, President Zuzana Caputova stated on TA3’s discussion programme ‘V politike’ (In Politics) on Sunday, adding that she’d approach the Constitutional Court with only one question, which was presented as part of the petition by the opposition Smer-SD party.
According to her, the question of the immediate resignation of the Government shows signs of unconstitutionality. If the court stated that the given part is not OK, she would announce a referendum only on the possibility of shortening the parliamentary electoral term via a referendum or a parliamentary resolution.
“If the court finds that it’s OK, there will be a referendum on both questions. If not, there will be a referendum only on the second question. Of course, a sufficient number of signatures is a prerequisite,” she added, rejecting allegations that she had thwarted the referendum [in the past]. “I’m not against it. I think it’s a good democratic tool,” she noted.