President Caputova Marks 105th Anniversary of Setting Up of Czechoslovakia

President Caputova Marks 105th Anniversary of Setting Up of Czechoslovakia
President Zuzana Caputova laying wreath to the Czechoslovak statehood monument on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of the setting up of Czechoslovakia on October 27, 2023 (photo by TASR)

Bratislava, October 27 (TASR) - The Czechoslovak Republic laid the foundations of the constitutional judiciary, introduced equal suffrage and suffrage for women, President Zuzana Caputova said on Friday, when commemorating the 105th anniversary of the setting up of Czechoslovakia that falls on Saturday, October 28.
       "At that time, it was really a very modern democratic republic with a constitution, it laid the foundations of a constitutional judiciary, and equal suffrage, including suffrage for women," emphasised Caputova at the monument to General Milan Rastislav Stefanik in Bratislava.
       According to her, at that time, a number of educational and cultural institutions were established and child mortality decreased. The head of state added that this republic was also respected abroad and Slovakia has a lot to build on.