President Caputova Ratifies Finland's and Sweden's Accession to NATO

Bratislava, September 28 (TASR) – Slovak President Zuzana Caputova ratified the accession protocols for the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO on behalf of Slovakia on Wednesday, President’s spokesperson Martin Strizinec told TASR on the same day.
“With their defence capabilities, both Scandinavian countries will bolster the Alliance even more and boost our joint resilience. I’m most pleased to welcome our new allies,” stated Caputova.
The President pointed out that both Finland and Sweden used to stay militarily neutral for many long decades and asked to join NATO only out of concerns for their own security after Russia attacked Ukraine and caused an unprecedented security crisis with impacts felt not only in Europe but the whole world.
On Tuesday (September 27), the Slovak Parliament approved Finland’s and Sweden’s accession to NATO.