President: Important for People to Listen to Scientists and Doctors

Bratislava, October 27 (TASR) – I consider it to be important for people to listen to scientists, experts and doctors during the coronavirus outbreak, said President Zuzana Caputova following discussions with experts in connection with this issue and comprehensive COVID-19 testing, adding that she considers their opinions to be absolutely relevant.
According to Caputova, experts believe that there’s a need to make testing more available. “People want to be tested. I’m hearing the stories of people who had to wait several days for tests,” she said.
Caputova went on to say that reducing mobility is a key factor. This has had an effect in other countries where people’s mobility has been limited. “If we restrict the movement of people, it’s fair that people from other countries shouldn’t come to Slovakia without being checked,” said the president, adding that the experts also stressed the need for border checks. Quarantine-control apps could be used as well.
The head of state again pointed out that the participation of health-care professionals in the nationwide testing should not come at the expense of hospitals and the provision of health care. The same applies to medical supplies and aids. Nor should personnel capacities be lacking when it comes to tracing those with whom infected people have been in contact.