President Opens School Year at Integrated School on Mokrohajska Street

Bratislava, September 5 (TASR) – President Zuzana Caputova on Monday opened the new school year at the integrated school on Mokrohajska street that combines a nursery school, a primary school, a business academy and a grammar school.
The president wished the teachers and non-teaching staff a better year, dignified conditions matching the importance of their profession, and appreciation from the state and society. She wished many successes to students as well.
She spoke to school headmaster Ivan Istok about the problems connected with hiring teachers for the school. “It is not easy, especially in the conditions of Bratislava, where the costs of living and housing are higher. “That’s why I’ve been saying for a long time that we need to support people who have financial problems and sectors that are key for developing Slovakia, and the education sector certainly is one of them,” stated Caputova.
The head of state views the adopted increase in teachers’ salaries as the right step. However, she also called for the adoption of stimuli that will not only motivate people to stay in education sector, but also help to recruit new staff.
At the same time the president highlighted how the school on Mokrohajska Street integrates disabled children. “It is a school that educates leavers who are successful in many professions, including sports,” she said.