Progressive Slovakia Official EP Elections Winner in Slovakia

Bratislava, June 9 (TASR) - The European Parliament elections in Slovakia on Saturday were won by the Progressive Slovakia (PS) party on 27.81 percent of the votes, the State Electoral Commission confirmed on Sunday night.
PS was followed by Smer-SD on 24.76 percent, the Republic party on 12.53 percent, Voice-SD on 7.18 percent and the Christian Democratic Movement (KDH) on 7.14 percent of the votes.
No other parties managed to obtain any seats in the European Parliament, with the list of unsuccessful parties including Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) on 4.92 percent, Democrats on 4.68 percent, the Hungarian Alliance on 3.88 percent, the coalition consisting of the Slovakia and For the People parties on 1.98 percent and the Slovak National Party (SNS) on 1.90 percent. The remaining parties failed to obtain more than 1 percent of the votes. A total of 23 parties plus one coalition ran in the elections in Slovakia.
The voter turnout reached 34.38 percent (1,505,176 voters), becoming the highest turnout of the five EP elections Slovakia has held in its history.
Slovaks elected a total of 15 MEPs, namely Ludovit Odor, Lubica Karvasova, Martin Hojsik, Veronika Cifrova Ostrihonova, Michal Wiezik, Lucia Yar (all Progressive Slovakia/PS), Monika Benova, Katarina Roth Nevedalova, Judita Lassakova, Erik Kalinak, Lubos Blaha (all Smer-SD), Milan Uhrik, Milan Mazurek (both Republic), Miriam Lexmann (Christian Democratic Movement/KDH) and Branislav Ondrus (Voice-SD).