Regiojet Train Driver Dies from Injuries Suffered in Collision with Lorry

Bratislava, October 11 (TASR) – The driver of the RegioJet train that collided with a lorry in Velky Meder (Trnava region) on September 16 died in hospital on Friday (October 10), Novy cas tabloid reports in its online version on Tuesday.
Regiojet spokesman Tomas Ondruj confirmed the death of the 59-year-old train driver for the daily. “Unfortunately, he succumbed to the serious injuries that he suffered in the accident when the train collided with a lorry,” said Ondruj. The daily noted that the train driver would have retired in two months.
As many as 37 people suffered injuries during the accident, with the train driver most seriously hurt. The air rescue service transported him unconscious to hospital.
The police continue to investigate the causes of the collision. Trnava police spokesperson Martina Kredatusova said that expert opinions are being collected at the moment. No one has yet been charged. The railway crossing is equipped with flashing lights and warning tones without gates. The warning system was fully functional and active at the time of the collision.