Reznik: TASR Is Attentive towards Efforts of V4 Parliamentary Chairs

Bratislava, December 4 (TASR) – The News Agency of the Slovak Republic (TASR) considers the effort of the parliamentary chairs of the Visegrad Four (V4) countries to intensify the mutual exchange of information vis-a-vis the European Union to be a positive thing, stated TASR general director Jaroslav Reznik on Sunday.
Reznik was responding to an agreement made by the V4 parliamentary chairs from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia at an informal meeting in the Polish city of Przemysl earlier in the day.
According to Reznik, the more information V4 citizens are given, the easier they will be able to objectively and critically evaluate the activities of the executive bodies in their countries.
“As for TASR, we will continue to follow the principles according to which we produce the news: independence, objectivity, authenticity, accuracy, brevity and matter-of-factness,” said Reznik.
“If any of the information about the prepared intensification of cooperation violate any of these attributes, TASR will openly inform the public about it,” he added.