SaS Suggests Changes in Sport, Should Be Developed in Targeted Manner

Bratislava, January 15 (TASR) – The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party proposes changes in the field of sports, so that it is developed in a targeted manner, the money flow within it is transparent and both individuals and the country benefit from it, SaS leader Richard Sulik said on Wednesday.
The reform prepared by SaS would merge the current finances in a single leisure-time voucher for children that would be bound to school attendance. “We’ll increase the participation in contests necessary to gain a contribution. We’ll allocate the money from the sport-support fund exclusively for construction of sports facilities, while sensibly reducing the volume of money needed for the fund’s administration,” stated Sulik.
SaS currently sees the problem in non-systemic financing of sports. It views it as important to make the sport information system operational, bringing a review of the number of active athletes and facts about the number of sponsorship contracts. SaS intends to preserve the post of the state secretary for sports at the Education Ministry, and it won’t support establishing a separate ministry. “We will finance national teams and athletes representing the country from levies from lottery games,” said the reform’s author Ivan Husar.
“SaS’s key idea is in merging all current finances and increasing them by some €100,000 into a single leisure-time voucher for children,” said SaS. The voucher would be bound to school attendance. All leisure-time activities of a child would be financed from a voucher and its value would be 3.5-times the subsistence minimum.