Sixth CoFoE Plenary Session Taking Place in Strasbourg on Friday and Saturday

Strasbourg, 8 April (TASR) – The sixth plenary session of the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) is taking place on Friday and Saturday at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, the EP has reported on its website.
Participants attending the event either in person or virtually will discuss proposals from nine working groups, grouped by themes. The proposals will be based on the recommendations made by the CoFoE citizens’ panels, national panels, and ideas gathered via the CoFoE multilingual digital platform, as well as exchanges held during the conference plenary and working group sessions.
The discussions are to cover options for strengthening the economy, social justice and job creation; education and culture; digital transformation; democracy in Europe; values, rights, the rule of law and security; climate change; health; the EU’s role in the world; and migration.
The Conference on the Future of Europe is slowly coming to an end, with the closing ceremony slated for May 9, 2022, which marks Europe Day.