Sliac Referendum: 75% of Voters Reject Potential US Military Base In Their Town

Sliac, October 30 (TASR) – The majority of voters taking part in Saturday’s (October 29) referendum in the town of Sliac (Banska Bystrica region) were against the establishment of a US military base in or near their town, TASR learnt from town mayor Lubica Balgova on early Sunday.
Out of 1,513 voters who participated in the referendum, 1,127 or 75 percent rejected the prospect of a US military base in Sliac.
The question put up to a vote read: “Do you agree that Sliac Town Council should take every legal measure to prevent the placement of a military base of the United States of America in any way, shape or form at the Sliac Airport and its vicinity?”
Earlier in October, Defence Minister Jaroslav Nad accused the town authorities of scaremongering, claiming that there were no American soldiers at the Sliac Airport present and no plans to establish the US military base, either.
“This means that holding a referendum on whether or not the US military base should be there is akin to holding a referendum on whether or not a UFO base should be there,” Nad told the journalists.