Slovakia Launches Waiting Room for Vaccination with Sputnik V

Bratislava, June 1 (TASR) – Slovakia has launched a waiting room for vaccination with the Sputnik V vaccine via website, Health Minister Vladimir Lengvarsky (an OLaNO nominee) announced on TV Markiza talk show Na Telo Plus (Tough Questions Plus) on Tuesday.
It should be possible to get vaccinated with it in the towns of Lucenec (Banska Bystrica region), Bratislava, Michalovce (Kosice region), Nove Zamky (Nitra region), Humenne (Presov region), Bojnice (Trencin region), Piestany (Trnava region) and Zilina.
The first person should be vaccinated with Sputnik V on Monday (June 7). Lengvarsky expects some 80,000 persons to get vaccinated with it.
The minister said that one vaccination centre should operate in each region of Slovakia. “The issue of logistics is currently being addressed, particularly distribution of vaccines and their storage,” he said. The vaccine will be determined for the age category 18-60. Lengvarsky views the logistics concerning this vaccine to be the most complicated, as it only lasts two hours after its thawing.
According to Lengvarsky, vaccination of children should start in the next couple of weeks, too. A column for vaccination of 12 to 15-year-old children should be added on website. The vaccination of children from the age of 8 is also under consideration, however, it should be in the hands of pediatricians.
Roma settlements should be vaccinated along with the majority population, said Lengvarsky. He expects these communities’ confidence in vaccine to increase as a result of this.
Lengvarsky believes that at least 70 percent of Slovaks will be vaccinated by the end of the summer. He thinks it makes sense to provide benefits to vaccinated people. They should enjoy benefits when travelling, during mass events, in sports activities or at swimming pools. “We put a big hope in vaccination by GPs,” noted the minister. Slovakia will donate excess vaccines, said Lengvarsky, adding it will prefer Ukraine and the Balkans in this.
According to Lengvarsky, we’ll probably have to count on wearing face masks in interior premises during the summer. The travel traffic lights will be updated every two weeks, he added.