Smer-SD, Voice-SD and SNS Sign Coalition Agreement

The leaders of Smer-SD, Voice-SD and the Slovak National Party (SNS) signed a coalition agreement in the old parliament building on Zupne Square in Bratislava on Monday.

Smer-SD, Voice-SD and SNS Sign Coalition Agreement
Voice-SD leader Peter Pellegrini, Smer-SD leader Robert Fico and SNS leader Andrej Danko (photo by TASR)

       Bratislava, October 16 (TASR) - The leaders of Smer-SD, Voice-SD and the Slovak National Party (SNS) signed a coalition agreement in the old parliament building on Zupne Square in Bratislava on Monday.
       Robert Fico, chairman of the Smer-SD party, which gained the highest number of votes in the recent snap general election, was tasked with forming a new government. Progressive Slovakia (PS) held informal talks as well, seeking a coalition of four with Voice-SD, the Christian Democrats (KDH) and Freedom and Solidarity (SaS). In the end, Smer-SD, Voice-SD and SNS agreed to sign a coalition agreement and distribute posts last Wednesday (October 11).