Students of Comenius University to March for Free Universities

Bratislava, November 4 (TASR) – Students of the Philosophy Faculty of Bratislava-based Comenius University (UK) have announced a protest march for free universities for November 10, TASR learnt from the head of the student part of the faculty’s Academic Senate on Thursday.
Representatives of the student part of the faculty’s Academic Senate and UK’s Academic Senate launched the protest action with the aim of withdrawing the current wording of the prepared University Act amendment from the legislative process.
The route of the protest march will lead from Safarik Square via Sturova Street, Hodzovo Square anbd Palisady up to the Bratislava Castle gate. Student representatives have applied for an official audience with President Zuzana Caputova.
The students want to be actively engaged in a dialogue on the improvement of Slovak universities. In their opinion, the draft amendment doesn’t address existing problems, but creates new ones.
The Slovak Rectors’ Conference also disagrees with the draft amendment on universities in its current wording. It wants the draft to be withdrawn from the inter-departmental review and revised.
The Education Ministry isn’t planning to withdraw the amendment. It claims it is open to particular proposals and comments. It believes it has prepared a draft that will improve the quality of the university environment and studies.