Sulik: Demand for Matovic's Resignation Not Met, Our Ministers Will Step Down
Bratislava, August 26 (TASR) – The demand of the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party for the resignation of OLaNO leader and Finance Minister Igor Matovic from the Government hasn’t been met, so SaS ministers will submit their resignations next Wednesday (August 31) following the Government session, SaS chief and Economy Minister Richard Sulik said after the coalition meeting on Friday.
According to him, further coalition talks are pointless. He announced that SaS MPs will help open the September meeting of Parliament and will support the Government proposals that will be in the first reading.
“No new proposals have been made today, we were only asked by OLaNO how we’ll behave in certain situations,” Sulik told journalists, adding that the question of how SaS will behave in relation to the state budget was also raised. According to Sulik, the coalition can hardly count on their support.
Sulik also stated that further negotiations of the coalition would no longer be relevant. SaS representatives were surprised that for their colleagues Matovic’s resignation was a matter that mustn’t be discussed. Sulik pointed out that the fact that four SaS ministers will step down will leave traces, as it’ll be necessary to fill many other positions within the ministries.