Sulik: SaS Demands Matovic's Resignation

Bratislava, March 15 (TASR) – Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) chief Richard Sulik on Monday called on Prime Minister Igor Matovic (OLaNO) to resign, noting that he himself will step down as economy minister if need be.
Giving Matovic until Wednesday of next week to decide, the SaS chief claimed that his party is still against the idea of holding a snap general election.
In Sulik’s opinion, Matovic isn’t capable of managing the Government and adhering to agreements. “It can’t go on like this; only Matovic’s ouster will be able to preserve the Government. We call on the premier to resign. If he stays, SaS is ready to leave the Cabinet,” claimed Sulik, adding that Matovic along with former health minister Marek Krajci (OLaNO) have failed to deal with the pandemic in the country.
Sulik went on to note that Matovic has divided the public and lacks its trust. The SaS leader opined that the best solution would be if none of the leaders of the four coalition parties were ministers.
He conceded that many will compare SaS’s decision to the toppling of the government of Iveta Radicova (2010-12), when SaS allowed that cabinet to collapse in a no-confidence vote linked to a vote on the European bailout fund. Sulik explained that even if SaS were to leave now, the Government wouldn’t be toppled, as the coalition would still have enough MPs in the House. Another result of the ongoing talks could be a minority government. His party is willing to make concessions in negotiations.
As for the post of prime minister, SaS isn’t questioning in any way that the post should be occupied by someone nominated by OLaNO, as the party was the clear winner of last year’s general election.
In this regard, Sulik told the media that he’s asked President Zuzana Caputova to receive him.