Kacer: Sanctions against Russia Need to Remain in Place Sanctions against Russia must be continued as long as that country poses a threat to democratic Europe, acting Foreign Affairs Minister Rastislav Kacer has told TASR.
Slovakia Sending 40 Police Officers to Hungarian-Serbian Border Bratislava, October 20 (TASR) – Slovakia is sending 40 police officers to the Hungarian-Serbian border to help their Hungarian counterparts reduce the pressure of illegal migration, said Interior Minister Roman Mikulec (OLaNO) on Thursday, reiterating that the solution to illegal migration is protecting the external Schengen border, not internal border checks.
EP Calls on Slovak Gov't to Make Progress in Protection of LGBTIQ+ People Strasbourg, October 20 (TASR-correspondent) – The European Parliament (EP) on Thursday called on the Slovak Government to make “meaningful progress in the protection of LGBTIQ+ people” against hate crimes. In reaction to a recent case in Bratislava in which a far-right radicalised gunman murdered two young men, Matus Horvath and Juraj
Caputova Ratifies Agreement on Slovakia's Associate Membership of ESA Bratislava, October 12 (TASR) – President Zuzana Caputova on Wednesday ratified a Parliament-approved agreement on Slovakia’s associate membership of the European Space Agency (ESA), TASR has learnt from her post on a social network. “The European Space Agency, together with the well-known American NASA, is a big player where our
Kacer: Slovakia Determined to Help Ukraine, Supports Its NATO Integration Bratislava/Brussels, October 10 (TASR-correspondent) – Slovakia is determined to continue helping Ukraine, which is exposed to Russian aggression, and supports its NATO integration efforts, Slovak Foreign Affairs Minister Rastislav Kacer said following his talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Monday. “I stressed that our support for
Heger Condemns Russian Missile Strikes on Ukrainian Cities Bratislava, October 10 (TASR) – Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) has publicly condemned the Russian missile strikes on Ukranian civilian targets on Monday. “It’s unforgivable brutality and terror targeting the civilian population, with which [Russian President] Vladimir Putin is probably taking revenge for the bombing of the Kerch Bridge,” wrote
Defence Ministry: Two More Zuzana 2 Howitzers Safely Delivered to Ukraine Bratislava, October 9 (TASR) – Ukraine’s defence against Russia’s aggression has been strengthened on Sunday by two more Slovak-made Zuzana 2 self-propelled howitzers, spokeswoman for the Defence Ministry Martina Koval Kakascikova told TASR on Sunday, adding that in total, Ukraine already has six pieces manufactured by state-owned joint-stock company