Tender for Krivan-Mytna R2 Announced, Price No Longer its Sole Criterion

Mytna, July 2 (TASR) – The National Highway Company (NDS) on Monday announced the first highway construction tender in which price is no longer the decisive criterion, but the quality of the expert team to take part in the construction, the cost of the road’s operation and the environmental burden will hold weight in the decision, too.
The tender applies to the Krivan-Mytna R2 expressway stretch in Banska Bystrica region.
“The price criterion can no longer be decisive for us, we must also regard the quality, as well as the environmental burden that the construction and the road’s operation will bring,” said Transport and Construction Minister Arpad Ersek (Most-Hid) on the occasion of the tender’s announcement. They would like to proceed in this way also with subsequent tenders that are under preparation.
NDS has prepared a draft multi-criterial assessment based on experiences from other European countries. Such bid assessments are a common practice in EU countries, being preferred by the European Commission, Jaspers agency, as well as by the Public Procurement Office (UVO).
The value of the order is estimated at €234.08 million. The section is 9.1 km-long, and more than five kilometres of it will include bridges and flyovers. After the Krivan-Mytna R2 section is completed, along with the Mytna-Lovinobana section that is currently being procured, more than 40 km of continuous road from Zvolen up to Lucenec will be available to drivers. The assessment should be completed and the contract should be signed with the contractor in the first quarter of 2019, when the construction should be subsequently launched. After that, the construction should be completed in four years.
Mytna mayor Pavol Greksa said the road that currently goes through the village is currently burdened with 13,000 cars a day. “An expressway is the most important thing we need today,” he said.
Parliamentary Vice-chair Bela Bugar (Most-Hid leader) attended the ceremonial announcement of the tender. He said he believes that tenders for several expressway sections in southern Slovakia will be launched and implemented soon.