Tomas: 13th Pension Equalling Full Average Pension to Be Paid Next Year

Bratislava, October 30 (TASR) - In 2024, recipients of any form of pension will be paid a 13th pension amounting to the average pension for the previous year in full, Labour, Social Affairs and the Family Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) told a news conference following his official installation in the post on Monday.
According to him, parliament might approve the change during the first three months of next year.
"As of my first day in office because I realise that there is time stress, I started negotiations on the 13th pension, which we promised in the election campaign. We agreed that next year the 13th pension will be paid in the amount of the average pension for this year," said Tomas, adding the details should be presented in the next few days.
Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) pointed out that the 13th pension in full was approved in February 2020, shortly before the previous parliamentary election. "I told the labour minister that I'm interested in legislation that guarantees the full 13th pension being applied and implemented in parliament in the first three months of next year," said Fico. If Tomas presented the achievement of this goal in 2024 in the Government Manifesto, the premier would support such a step.
According to Tomas, another of the priorities of the Labour Ministry is helping people in the east of Slovakia who were affected by the recent earthquake. Both Fico and Tomas announced that they'll meet Presov region head Milan Majersky (KDH) and the mayors of the affected towns in order to respond to their demands.