Tomas: There's Debate in Coalition that Sutaj Estok Would Move to House Chair Post

Tomas: There's Debate in Coalition that Sutaj Estok Would Move to House Chair Post
Labour Minister Erik Tomas (stock photo by TASR)

  (TA3, 'V politike', November 3)
      The choice of the Voice-SD party for the post of House chair is still Investment Minister Richard Rasi, however, there is a discussion in the coalition that head of the Interior Ministry Matus Sutaj Estok (both Voice-SD) would move to this post, Labour Minister Erik Tomas (Voice-SD) said on TA3's discussion programme 'V politike' (In Politics) on Sunday, refusing to speculate on who could be the new interior minister.
        Opposition MP Simona Petrik (Progressive Slovakia/PS) described the fact that we don't have the parliamentary chair as an international disgrace.
        Tomas also noticed the statements of Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD), who until now supported Andrej Danko (Slovak National Party/SNS) for the post of House chair, that the conditions in Parliament had changed and the SNS caucus has only seven MPs. "This should speed up the processes of electing the parliamentary chair. That means that we have great expectations with the change in the conditions, that the vote will move forward and the Voice party will have a House chair," he said.
        According to Petrik, no names for the post of the head of Parliament are officially on the table. Only when the nominations come in will the PS caucus discuss who they will support. "The fact that Peter Ziga [parliamentary vice-chair entrusted with the powers of House chair (Voice-SD)] is somehow managing it is fine, but we haven't yet heard either the prime minister's nominations or the coalition nominations for a new head of parliament," said the MP.