Presidential Election to Be Held on March 23, Pellegrini Announces

Presidential Election to Be Held on March 23, Pellegrini Announces
Parliamentary Chair Peter Pellegrini (Voice-SD) at House session on January 8, 2024 (photo by TASR)

        Bratislava, January 8 (TASR) - The first round of the presidential election will be held on Saturday, March 23, with a potential run-off round on Saturday, April 6, House Chair Peter Pellegrini announced on Monday.
        The term of office of incumbent President Zuzana Caputova ends on June 15, 2024, and she won't run for re-election.
        The Slovak president is elected in a direct vote for a five-year tenure. The Constitution stipulates that presidential candidates must be either nominated by at least 15 lawmakers or receive petition signatures from at least 15,000 citizens.
        The second round of the election is held within 14 days of the date of the first round, provided that neither of the candidates manages to garner a majority of votes in the first round. Two candidates who acquire the highest amount of votes advance to the run-off round.