Voice Presents Nominations for Ministers, Pellegrini Wants to Become House Chair

The Voice-SD party on Tuesday presented its nominees for ministers in the emerging government, namely Erik Tomas (labour), Zuzana Dolinkova (health), Richard Rasi (investment), Denisa Sakova (economy), Tomas Drucker (education) and Matus Sutaj Estok (interior).

Voice Presents Nominations for Ministers, Pellegrini Wants to Become House Chair
Voice-SD nominees for government posts and parliamentary chair post (from the left): Matus Sutaj Estok, Denisa Sakova, Richard Rasi, Peter Pellegrini, Erik Tomas, Zuzana Dolinkova, Peter Kmec and Tomas Drucker (photo by TASR)

       Bratislava, October 17 (TASR) - The Voice-SD party on Tuesday presented its nominees for ministers in the emerging government, namely Erik Tomas (labour), Zuzana Dolinkova (health), Richard Rasi (investment), Denisa Sakova (economy), Tomas Drucker (education) and Matus Sutaj Estok (interior).
       Meanwhile, Peter Kmec is the party's nominee for the post of vice-premier for the recovery plan.
       As for Voice leader Peter Pellegrini, he announced his intention to vie for the post of parliamentary chair in the new electoral term.
       "Voice-SD has only one responsibility, and that is to the people of Slovakia, to whom we promised a change in the governance of the state," said Pellegrini, claiming that Voice also feels this responsibility towards supporters of other parties and even non-voters.
       According to Pellegrini, the emerging cabinet will have to be a government for all. In his opinion, the presented names represent acceptable nominations, and there are no reasons why President Zuzana Caputova shouldn't officially appoint them.
       Pellegrini recalled the priorities of his party, such as dealing with inflation, balancing regional disparities and maintaining Slovakia's foreign policy orientation, noting that Voice has managed to staff ministries that cover these areas.