Zemanova: No-confidence Vote in Matovic One of Options, We're Preparing Motion

Bratislava, September 13 (TASR) – MPs for the Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party are preparing a proposal to oust OLaNO leader Igor Matovic from the post of finance minister, SaS parliamentary caucus head Anna Zemanova told journalists on Tuesday.
“It’s one of the options. We’re preparing such a proposal,” said Zemanova. The caucus head didn’t want to specify who could sign the proposal. They want to seek support from former coalition MPs who decided to leave. She believes that other sane MPs from the coalition will realise that such a person can’t continue to be a member of the Government they want to support. She hasn’t yet said when they plan to file the motion.
Matovic responded that he keeps his fingers crossed for SaS head Richard Sulik so that it would be clear who’s on whose side. He pointed out that “the befriending of the mafia from Smer-SD and Voice-SD, fascists from the Republic” and people from SaS was already seen in parliamentary committees. “I’m very sorry, because this is a thing OLaNO was criticised for,” he said, pointing to the reproaches when independent MPs from Republic supported the pro-family package.
Head of the ‘We Are Family’ parliamentary caucus Peter Pcolinsky said that their MPs won’t add their signatures to the motion to dismiss Matovic. In order to convene an extraordinary session with a no-confidence vote in a member of the government, 30 signatures from MPs must be obtained.
Independent MPs working in the extra-parliamentary Voice-SD are willing to negotiate with SaS on the motion to dismiss Matovic. First, however, they want to ask SaS to support the amendment to the Constitution, which would allow the announcement of an early election. “First, we’d like to negotiate with them to see if they support amending the Constitution,” Voice-SD leader Peter Pellegrini told reporters.