Adult and Teenage Slovaks Can Be Vaccinated by Their GPs as of July

Adult and Teenage Slovaks Can Be Vaccinated by Their GPs as of July

Bratislava, June 24 (TASR) – As of July, adult Slovaks and adolescents aged between 12-15 will be able to be vaccinated against COVID-19 by their general practitioner, Health Minister Vladimir Lengvarsky (an OLaNO nominee) told a news conference on Thursday, adding that people should contact their GP directly to arrange this.

“Vaccination is the only way to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic,” stressed the minister. He asked doctors and paediatricians for help in increasing the number of vaccinated people, adding that responsibility for any potential serious side effects will be accepted by the state. A total of 64 doctors have registered in the system since Wednesday (June 23).

Slovak Association of General Practitioners president Monika Paluskova explained that vaccination centres will continue to carry out their work. The aim of the new option is to vaccinate people in care homes and those who can’t attend a centre for any reason.

The ordering of vaccine doses and their distribution will be carried out in cooperation with pharmacies. It will be up to the GP’s surgery to decide on the procedure for calling people in for inoculation. Every vaccinated person will be able to apply for an international vaccination certificate on the website

Vaccination at GPs’ surgeries will be carried out in the standard manner and with the Pfizef/bioNTech vaccine, with surgeries having an option to inoculate only the people on their books, said the Health Ministry.