Bank Robbers Wearing Masks of Famous People to Be Prosecuted

Bratislava, February 22 (TASR) – The police have apparently successfully resolved the case of bank robberies that took place in 2012-13 in which armed men stole at least €100,000 wearing masks of politicians and other personalities including Czech president Milos Zeman, former Czech president Vaclav Klaus and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Police Corps spokesperson Denisa Baloghova told TASR on Monday.
“This criminal case was concluded with a proposal to file prosecutions,” said Baloghova.
In October 2015 the police reported that in the case of bank robberies in Smolenice (Trnava region) in 2013 and in Modra (Bratislava region) in 2012, individuals known only as Jozef R. and Anton H. were facing charges. The police stated at that time that the men face 10-15 years in prison if convicted.