Calling on Responsibility Heger Appealed to Doctors to Reconsider Their Notices

Bratislava, September 29 (TASR) – Common sense and responsibility should prevail over expectations that in a short time it’ll be possible to solve all the pains that the health-care sector has been suffering from for decades, Prime Minister Eduard Heger (OLaNO) said on Thursday, calling once again on doctors to reconsider their intention to leave the Slovak health-care system.
The premier doesn’t conceal that he doesn’t consider mass notices to be fair, referring to the fact that it is his government that, after many years of ignoring the problems, is bringing changes to ensure the improvement of health-care, including better conditions for those who work in it. “People can’t be hostages in the game for your well-deserved comfort, which we are able to achieve together,” declared Heger to the doctors, stressing that the common goal and thus the demands of the doctors can’t be fulfilled overnight.
The Medical Trade Union Association (LOZ) said earlier in the day that a total of 1,948 doctors have handed in their notice, and the number continues to grow. According to LOZ head Peter Visolajsky, the doctors come from 27 hospitals across Slovakia, including university, regional and private hospitals. In addition, the ranks of those who are willing to walk out include doctors from third countries who work in Slovakia.
The association has long warned that doctors would resign as a sign of disagreement with the current conditions in the health-care system. Back in February, LOZ presented eight demands that could help the sector. Despite a proposal to increase the salaries of health-care workers, which is currently being debated in Parliament, Visolajsky has called on doctors to hand in their resignations.