Caputova Criticises Proposed Fast-tracked Procedure in Relation to Scrapping USP

Caputova Criticises Proposed Fast-tracked Procedure in Relation to Scrapping USP
President Zuzana Caputova (stock photo by TASR)

        Bratislava, December 6 (TASR) - President Zuzana Caputova criticised the government's intention to approve legislation also related to scrapping the Special Prosecutor's Office (USP) via a fast-tracked legislative procedure, TASR learnt from the president's statement to the media on Wednesday.
        "I must say that the manner and speed, I mean the fast-tracked legislative procedure, in which such significant changes are to be adopted, shocked me," she stressed.
        The head of state pointed out that these are amendments to several laws and she needs to familiarise herself with them in more detail. "I have the option of vetoing laws, of course, it's also possible to file motion with the Constitutional Court, but that depends on how the content will be assessed," she pointed out.