Caputova: Slovakia Most EU Integrated Country in Visegrad Four

Warsaw, July 15 (TASR-correspondet) – There are differences between the Visegrad Four (V4) countries (Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary), and when it comes to the EU, Slovakia is the most integrated country among them, Slovak President Zuzana Caputova stated on Monday at a press conference held after her meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda.
“We agreed that the V4 is an important regional entity. Its potential for promoting joint interests can’t be denied,” said Caputova, adding that a regional voice can be louder than the voice of a single country.
According to Caputova, the results of recent elections in Slovakia prove that it’s the most integrated V4 country in the EU. “Be it the presidential election, whose second round saw two clearly pro-European candidates, or the European Parliament election. They sent out a clear signal from Slovakia – that we see ourselves in the EU,” stated the Slovak president.
Caputova pointed out that each V4 country is facing different challenges, and some of them have been criticised by the EU to varying degrees. “Some approach resolving problems in a different way than I personally or Slovakia would prefer,” she noted. She considers it important that these differences can be openly discussed. “I indulged this openness at all meetings … At meetings with the presidents of [the other] V4 countries I encountered equal openness and a proper dialogue,” said Caputova on her recent visits to the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland.
Addressing the recent nominations for senior posts in EU structures and the fact that the V4 region won’t be represented in any of them, the two presidents concurred that this isn’t a good outcome.