Charges Pressed against Marian K. & Co. in Kuciak Murder Case

Bratislava, October 21 (TASR) – A prosecutor at the Special Prosecutor’s Office (USP) has filed charges against Marian K. and three other people relating to the case of the murders of investigative journalist Jan Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kusnirova at the Specialised Criminal Court in Pezinok (Bratislava region), TASR was told by USP spokesperson Jana Tokolyova on Monday.
“A prosecutor at the Special Prosecutor’s Office has filed charges against T. Sz., M. M., A. Zs., and M. K. for the particularly serious crime of premeditated murder and other criminal offences at the Specialised Criminal Court. The charges were pressed in relation to six acts, including two premeditated murders,” said Tokolyova. One act relates to the murders of both Jan Kuciak and Martina Kusnirova in 2018, while the other concerns the murder of Peter Molnar in 2016.
“The investigation file contains more than 25,000 pages and dozens of appendages, including those related to seized funds and valuables. The charges run to 93 pages. In addition to the accused and aggrieved, the prosecutor proposed questioning 24 more witnesses, reading the testimonies of 49 other witnesses, and consulting a number of experts,” added Tokolyova. If convicted, those charged could face imprisonment from 25 years to life.
Kuciak and his fiancée were murdered in Kuciak’s house at Velka Maca (Trnava region) on February 21, 2018. The person who ordered the murder paid at least €70,000 for it. In addition to Marian K., the other people accused include Alena Zs., Tomas Sz., Miroslav M. and Zoltan A. They are all being held in custody. Zoltan A. has agreed with the prosecutor on a plea bargain, which would significantly reduce his sentence. The court is yet to approve this agreement, however.